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SSC CGL Tier 1 27/8/2016 Shift II GA questions

1. "There's enough in the world for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed" who said - Gandhi

2. First Indian medal winner in Rio 2016 -sasksi Malik

3. Smallest country around Indian Ocean- Maldives

4. Founder of Theospohical Society - blavatsky and olcott

5. Why water spills and mercury sticks to glass surface - surface tension

6. Who appoints the chairman of Public Accounts Committee - speaker of lok sabha

7. Which tax is levied by state govt (corporation tax, liquor tax, customs duty etc)

8. Which among the following is not an objective of fiscal policy (reducing inequality of income, price stability, generating employment)

9. What happens at boiling point (atmospheric pressure increases / decreases etc)

10. The only governor general to be assassinated in India-mayo 1872

11.first field marshall - Sam Manekshaw

12.regarding fiscal and monetary policy each

13.what happend when liq reaches boling pt

14.deep sea divers helium - Trimix is a breathing gas, consisting of oxygenhelium and nitrogen, and is often used in deep commercial diving

15.which scheme is nt launched by current PM amrut ,jan dhan,ayush,one more

16.which enzyme is present in all except protozoa

17.Ramon magsaysay winner 2016 - carnatic musician TM Krishna social activist Bezwada Wilson

Click here to see 27/8/2016 morinig shift I question paper
Click here to see 27/8/2016 Evening shift II question paper
Click here to see 28/8/2016 morning shift I question paper
Click here to see 28/8/2016 Evening shift II question paper

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