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Branches of agriculture,Vermiculture,Tissue culture,Horticulture,Pomology,Sericulture Branches of Agriculture

  1. Vermiculture -Agriculture of Earth worm
  2. Tissue culture-Production of a new plant from plant cells
  3. Apiculture-Study of honey bee.
  4. Horticulture-Study of fruits and vegetables.
  5. Pomology -Study of fruits.
  6. Sericulture-Rearing of silk worm.
  7. Moriculture -Production of mulberry.
  8. Vity culture-Production of grapes.
  9. Aquaculture-farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants.
  10. Arboriculture-study of individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants
  11. Aviculture- practice of keeping and breeding birds and the culture that forms around it
  12. Citriculture - the cultivation of citrus fruits
  13. Co-culture- biology for studying natural or synthetic interactions between cell populations.
  14. Silviculture-The care and cultivation of forest trees
  15. Pisciculture-Fish farming

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